175 Anniversary of the Congregational Union of South Australia

175 Anniversary of the Congregational Union of South Australia

Sunday 6th April 2025    2.00 – 5.00pm
St Andrews by the Sea Uniting Church 92 Jetty Rd Glenelg

You are invited to join us at St Andrews to…

  • Celebrate the 175 anniversary of the Congregational Union of South Australia founded on 30th January 1850.
  • Share memories and reflections about how the churches, the CYF, and the Congregational Union made an impression on you and helped shape your attitudes and values

2.00    Doors open for you to sign in and meet others. Bring mementoes you have and place on the display tables.
2.30    Rev Geoff Hurst will welcome you to St Andrews and lead with thanksgiving prayer and song. Varied program to follow.
3.30   We make our way to the hall for conversation and afternoon tea. A donation to support the street ministry of St Andrews would be appreciated.
RSVP if you are able by 29th March to assist in catering.
St Andrews Office office@standrewsuc.org.au

For further information contact Rev Dr Dean Eland. President of the UCSA Historical Society president@ucsahistory.org.au 0419 112 603