Monthly Archives: April 2021

Worship on Sunday

In Sunday’s Gospel reading, we will hear Jesus say, “Peace be with you,” once again. We will explore what it means for us to be witnesses of this peace, especially in a world that is often fractured and divided. Worship will include communion, a celebration of our oneness in Christ. I look forward to sharing this time with you.

Along with your usual offering, you might wish to bring a gift of non-perishables for the food pantry. As we are fed at Christ’s table, may we share food with those who are hungry body and soul. 

Here’s a quote from Joan Chittister to get the conversation going. The photo was sent to me from Avril who is currently camping near Menindee Lake. Looks beautiful!



UCG March 2021 Newsletter

Hello All,

Attached below is the UCG Newsletter telling of some of the items of interest from March. We distributed hard copies during Mary’s Kitchen Tuesday community meal yesterday and Robin was pleased to see his “name in lights.” Coincidently, the “Joe” from Lions Club on page 2 is the father of Robyn one of our Mary’s Kitchen volunteers.

Below is the prayer offered at last evening’s meal. We had a few first time folk, including someone who comes regularly during the day. At the end of dinner, he began wiping chairs and tables and said, “It’s the least I can do.” That warmed my heart and it was lovely to see a few others pitching in to give it that community meal feeling.



Happy Easter 2021

Dear Friends,

Easter blessings to you this day. 

From our first steps into Holy Week with the Quiet Morning at the arboretum, to the community’s engagement with the Holy Week setting in the hall, to Thursday’s worship of word, symbol and song, to the Good Friday Prayer Walk, to this morning’s ecumenical dawn service at the foreshore followed by worship as the St. Andrew’s community, it has been a rich week. We have experienced the life, death and resurrection of Christ in a multi-sensory, multi-layered way. I pray everyone has been touched by some image, word, song or connection.

Attached is the order of worship from the 10:00 am worship and my reflection on Mark 16:1-8.

Thank you to Jennifer for providing green cuttings and flower arrangements for Holy Week and Easter Day. 

