Monthly Archives: June 2021

What’s Emerging? Week 1: Friday 11 June 2021

Amidst the toilet paper hoarding and fights over pasta in the shops we saw on television, many of us were privileged to witness and take part in a growth of love and kindness that is also happening. Throughout the pandemic, we at St. Andrew’s are holding open a space for giving and receiving. What a gift to be part of God’s outpouring of kindness in our community.

In peace,


Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church

92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771

What’s Emerging? Week 1: Wednesday 9 June 2021

Octavia E. Butler was an award winning, African American science fiction author. As a child, Butler was painfully shy. Paired with dyslexia, Butler was an easy target for bullies which led her to believe she was “ugly and stupid, clumsy and socially hopeless.” As a result, she found solace reading at the Pasadena Central Library. At the age of 10, she begged her mother to buy her a Remington typewriter on which she “pecked” her first stories “two fingered.”

Butler offers this beautiful poetic reflection on the organic nature of God, life and community:

In Peace,


Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church

92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771

What’s Emerging? Week 1: Tuesday 8 June 2021

Parker Palmer is, in no particular order, a Quaker, activist, teacher, author, and founder of the Center for Courage and Renewal. Like us, he’s been reflecting on his experience of the pandemic and shared some of his learnings on Facebook. 

You can explore the Center for Courage and Renewal here:

Or listen to Palmer’s podcast The Growing Edge.

In Peace,


Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St. Andrews by the Sea Uniting Church
92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771
M: 0400 151 691

Worship Guide for 6 June 2021

Hello all,

Attached is a prayer guide based on Sunday morning’s gathered worship as well as my reflection on the Gospel. Today we began a five-week series during which we will explore our experience of the pandemic with the Gospel according to Mark as our companion. 

I emailed a PDF of the resource to accompany this journey at home. Most of you took a paper copy this morning. I still have some left for those who weren’t there this morning and would like one. While the Gospel readings coincide with worship, the resource is suitable for any five-week block.

I also intend to keep up the daily (or near daily!) email reflections for this series.

I look forward to hearing what is emerging for you.



What’s Emerging?

Hello all,

This Sunday 6 June 2021 we will begin a five-week series during which we reflect on the pandemic experience thus far with the Gospel according to Mark as our guide. An at home resource will help enrich these weeks of reflection. I’ve kept it simple with three engagements each week. A PDF version is attached and printed copies will be available from Sunday. All who wish are welcome to take one.

We will celebrate communion on Sunday as we launch this new series. 

Finally, our faithful COVID Marshal, Gary, will be in NSW for his son’s wedding over the weekend. We are in need of one or two people to greet the community and help with sign in. You don’t need to be a COVID Marshal since there will be others of us around. Please let me know if you are able to serve. You’ll need to be available from 9:30.

